Amazon EKS Anywhere | EKS Anywhere

EKS Anywhere documentation homepage

EKS Anywhere is container management software built by AWS that makes it easier to run and manage Kubernetes clusters on-premises and at the edge. EKS Anywhere is built on EKS Distro , which is the same reliable and secure Kubernetes distribution used by Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) in AWS Cloud. EKS Anywhere simplifies Kubernetes cluster management through the automation of undifferentiated heavy lifting such as infrastructure setup and Kubernetes cluster lifecycle operations.

Unlike Amazon EKS in AWS Cloud, EKS Anywhere is a user-managed product that runs on user-managed infrastructure. You are responsible for cluster lifecycle operations and maintenance of your EKS Anywhere clusters.

The tenets of the EKS Anywhere project are:

  • Simple: Make using a Kubernetes distribution simple and boring (reliable and secure).
  • Opinionated Modularity: Provide opinionated defaults about the best components to include with Kubernetes, but give customers the ability to swap them out
  • Open: Provide open source tooling backed, validated and maintained by Amazon
  • Ubiquitous: Enable customers and partners to integrate a Kubernetes distribution in the most common tooling.
  • Stand Alone: Provided for use anywhere without AWS dependencies
  • Better with AWS: Enable AWS customers to easily adopt additional AWS services
