Amber Heard Joining Star Wars?

A new rumor suggests that Aquaman and The Stand actress Amber Heard might be joining the Star Wars universe in an upcoming project.

By Ross Bonaime | Updated 3 years ago

This article is more than 2 years old

Ever since Johnny Depp was labeled a “wife-beater” in court, it seems like Depp’s career has plummeted, while Amber Heard has become one of the most rumored actresses around. Now, the actresses’ most recent rumor suggests that Amber Heard could be joining the Star Wars universe.

This rumor comes from gossip writer Daniel Richtman’s Patreon, who doesn’t give any further information, other than Amber Heard is in talks for a Star Wars role. However, it seems like Richtman over the last few months has been throwing out the Heard rumors with the hopes that something will stick. For example, in the last three months alone, he’s spouted off rumors like Heard’s Aquaman character Mera is getting her own HBO Max spinoff, Heard is in talks for Margot Robbie’s upcoming Pirates of the Caribbean movie, and that Heard could be playing a Disney princess. Basically, there’s an Amber Heard rumor for almost every franchise you can think of.

This is in addition to other rumors about Amber Heard that she has both been fired from the Aquaman series, and that her role in the DC Cinematic Universe is about to expand greatly, and that she might also be joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe. At this point, Heard is in talks to be a part of not just every major Disney franchise, but both the Marvel and DC universes. Not even the biggest A-list actors have a resume even close to the theoretical one Heard will have in a few years!

It’s not like Star Wars doesn’t have enough upcoming films and TV shows to allow Amber Heard to make an appearance. In addition to at least three movies in development, Disney is making multiple spinoffs to The Mandalorian, several animated series, and mysterious shows like The Acolyte and Lando, which haven’t revealed too many details just yet. With so many shows and movies on the way, it looks as though there’s room for just about any actor that wants a part in Star Wars.

To be fair, it also doesn’t really seem like Amber Heard goes for major franchises anyways. Her biggest role so far has been as Mera in Aquaman, a role she also played in 2017’s Justice League and will also play in this year’s Zack Snyder’s Justice League. Beyond that, Heard’s biggest movies have been Magic Mike XXL, Zombieland, and Pineapple Express. Not exactly packed with major franchises, and Heard seems more interested in smaller films, like 2018’s Her Smell and 2015’s The Danish Girl. Most recently, Heard was seen in the adaptation of Stephen King’s The Stand. 

Basically, Amber Heard is a divisive figure in Hollywood right now, so rumors about her are a dime-a-dozen. This is why she’s both being replaced in the DC universe AND somehow becoming one of the series’ biggest stars at the same time. At this point, it seems that fans should keep an eye out for official announcements about Heard, rather than believing Heard is going to be in every major franchise of the past decade.
