TNA Should Use Ropes! | WrestleZone Forums

I'm actually a bit surprised here. Small changes can make a significant difference sometimes.

"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together." - Vincent Van Gogh

"Show me a man who cannot bother to do little things and I'll show you a man who cannot be trusted to do big things." - Lawrence Bell

A few examples.

I was just reading another thread where two people agreed that just by dying his hair, Kevin Nash would be improving his whole character, or at least the perception of it.

Santino and his unibrow. However minute it is, it adds a whole lot to the hilarious character that he is on television.

Let's say you see some random person on a bus somewhere, and you think nothing of it at first. Then, you look down and realize that half their thumb is knawed off. You're thinking of all types of possibilities then.

Let's say you're on on a date w/ some attractive young woman, eating at a restaurant. Then, she decides to let one go (fart), and the polluted fume makes its way through your nostrils, changing an otherwise great date. If you tell your friends about having dinner with her will you not say something along the lines of "Yeah, it would've been perfect if she hadn't farted while we were eating".

It's the small things, sometimes, that people notice that can change an overall product for the better.

In this situation here, there are still a lot of people who are just used to the mechanics working a certain way. You can be innovative as far as storylines go and as far as looks go, but when you've got fans who distinguish an aspect as being either professional or amateur, it's not a bad idea to consider leaning towards the more professional end of the spectrum.

If you're watching an event and something just doesn't look or feel right (whether you can identify it or not), it's safe to say that you're more likely to change the channel than if it does.
