Why Fans Might Not Want Beta Ray Bill In The MCU

Fans have been clamoring to see Thor's ally Beta Ray Bill enter the MCU, but this risks turning a noble hero into a one-note joke.

Thor fans have been wanting the Thunder God’s legendary ally Beta Ray Bill to make an appearance in the MCU for years now. An original Marvel Comics creation, Bill is an alien warrior with a horse-like head who proved worthy of wielding Thor’s hammer Mjolnir. The hammer transformed Bill into a Thor-like being, and he later gained his own Asgardian weapon, Stormbreaker (a hammer, not an ax like in the MCU movies.) But while many fans are clamoring for Bill's MCU debut, there's a good reason to be wary of his inclusion...

Introduced in 1983's The Mighty Thor #337, Beta Ray Bill is a Korbinite alien who's a common presence in Marvel's more cosmic conflicts, often fighting alongside the Silver Surfer and the Inhuman's teleporting dog, Lockjaw. As the MCU seems set on tackling intergalactic conflicts in its next phase, Bill is an obvious character to introduce. But as powerful as Beta Ray Bill is, he has one embarrassing problem - to humans, he looks like someone dressed a horse up as Thor.

Readers saw Beta Ray Bill’s horse problems most clearly in the Thor and the Warriors Four miniseries, when Marvel’s preteen superhero team Power Pack traveled to Asgard to retrieve the Golden Apples of Idunn to heal their sick grandmother. Disguising themselves as the “Warriors Four,” the kids - Alex, Julie, Jack, and Katie Power - quickly made a name for themselves by battling injustice in Asgard. The Warriors Four became so popular that when Thor and Beta Ray Bill arrived in Asgard, they saw the kids had taken over their usual table at a popular pub. The Asgardian, alien, and children quickly became friends, however, and began exchanging stories. Unfortunately, one of the Power kids, eight-year-old Julie, became overly enamored with Beta Ray Bill, whom she saw as the horse she always wanted.

Quickly naming Bill “Thorse” (for half Thor, half horse), Katie and her brother Jack became convinced that Beta Ray Bill was a horse with the power of Thor. Their confusion was understandable as they had previously met a frog with the power of Thor called “Frog Thor.” Beta Ray Bill quickly tried to set the children straight by explaining he was from an alien race that only looked like horses, but Katie just asked if he would like a bite of her carrot and if she can ride him. The cover of Thor and the Warriors Four #2 shows Katie holding a saddle and chasing a panicked Beta Ray Bill as the young, horse-loving girl shouts out, “Pony!”

It's a charming story, but it also highlights the struggle Beta Ray Bill is likely to face in entering the MCU. Marvel movies have their own aesthetic, and in a world where even the costumes of characters like Captain America and the Falcon are reframed with a militaristic eye, it's hard to image a horse-headed alien wearing a red cape and a winged hat being allowed onscreen as a character to be taken seriously. While Thor: Ragnarok introduced a context where Beta Ray Bill might possibly be able to exist, it's likely that this is one character who may have to lose his more fantastic elements to enter the MCU, or else become a joke character a million miles away from his comics incarnation, where Beta Ray Bill is one of the few people worthy of lifting Thor's hammer Mjolnir. Fans will still have their fingers crossed for an appearance in Thor: Love and Thunder, and hopefully the Beta Ray Bill they get will be the one they deserve.

Next: Thor 4 Theory: Beta Ray Bill Is Coming To The MCU

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Michael Jung is a mild-mannered freelance writer-for-hire, actor, and professional storyteller with a keen interest in pop culture, education, nonprofit organizations, and unusual side hustles. His work has been featured in Screen Rant, ASU Now, Sell Books Fast, Study.com, and Free Arts among others. A graduate of Arizona State University with a PhD in 20th Century American Literature, Michael has written novels, short stories, stage plays, screenplays, and how-to manuals.

Michael’s background in storytelling draws him to find the most fascinating aspects of any topic and transform them into a narrative that informs and entertains the reader. Thanks to a life spent immersed in comic books and movies, Michael is always ready to infuse his articles with offbeat bits of trivia for an extra layer of fun. In his spare time, you can find him entertaining kids as Spider-Man or Darth Vader at birthday parties or scaring the heck out of them at haunted houses.

Visit Michael Jung’s website for information on how to hire him, follow him on Twitter Michael50834213, or contact him directly: michael(at)michaeljungwriter(dot)com.
