167 Animal Spirit Guides and What They Mean To You

Animal spirit guides travel through life with us helping us to navigate challenges and recognitions. Spirit animals visit us in times of uncertainty to offer protection and guidance. We are not limited to just one.

Our spirit animals may change as we grow and face different life experiences. Be open to their arrival in your life. Spirit animals are embraced by many cultures and different pagan religions.

I have spent my life with animals. I grew up on a farm, went on to work as an environmental educator, and became a licensed wildlife rehabilitator. Animals have a way of reaching into our souls and if we listen there is much to be learned.

This is a brief introduction of 167 spirit animals, listing their defining characteristics and how they can help us. My goal is to write a longer article for each spirit animal listed here.

Animal Spirit Guides

1. Albatross: Good fortune, liberated, limitless, loves to travel. Independent yet faithful. Masters of the element Air and controlling the wind.

2. Alligator: Assertiveness, Patience, Retribution, Creativity. Alligators have a high level of Clairvoyance and Divination skills. Be open to new knowledge and wisdom.

3. Anaconda: Balance, cunning, immortality, patience, power, stealth, and strength. The Anaconda is an ancient and powerful symbol. Sign of transition.

4. Ant: Cooperation, diligence, loyalty, patience, routine, sacrifice, and unity. Ants make wonderful parents.

5. Antelope: Agility, awareness of others, energetic, perceptive, and risk-taker. Antelopes are quick-witted with a strong survival instinct.

6. Armadillo: Grounded, humble, intuitive, sensitive, and trustworthy. Armadillos make great friends. Assists with past life connections.

7. Badger: Bold, courageous, perseverance, reliant. Badger is the keeper of stories. Earth magic. The badger is a dynamic healer.

Read my article on the Badger spirit animal

8. Bald Eagle: adventurous, determined, ferocious, freedom, goal-oriented, resilient, and powerful. The eagle is a messenger. The eagle passes down stories through generations.

9. Basilisk: Confidence, Endurance, Nobility, Pride, Protection, Strength, and Will Power. Gifted in Alchemy, shadow work, and transformation.

10. Bat: Ego, community, fear, keen-observation, inner-depth, illusion, and transformation. Skilled in clairvoyance and discerning truth. Helps you to face fear.

11. Bear: Authority, aggression, bravery, peace, solitude, and motherhood. The bear is a powerful ancient symbol for alchemy, awakening the unconscious, and the moon.

Read our article on Bear Spirit Animal and watch the video

12. Beaver: Commitment, determined, inventive, visionary. The beaver is a strong family symbol.

13. Bee: Chastity, communication, geometry, hard-working, love, order, and success. Skilled in communication.

14. Bighorn Sheep: Confrontation, steadfastness. Often seen as divine masculine. Able to see the big picture and set goals.

Read our article on Horned sheep

15. Bison: Abundance, balance, prayer, strength, wealth. A symbol of sacred life. The bison teaches us gratitude.

16. Black Swan: Dignity, empathy, freedom, loyalty, and shapeshifting. Symbolizes unexpected discoveries.

17. Black Widow Spider: Intuition, knowledge, manifestation, reevaluation. Reminds us to have a plan for the future.

18. Blue Jay: Admiration, bold, community, flexibility, innovation, and thankfulness.

19. Boar (wild pig): Adaptability, fierce, grounded. Represents Divine feminine and fertility.

Read our article on the Wild Boar Spirit Animal

20. Bobcat: Quiet, secrets, sexual energy, solitary. A loyal friend and confidant. There is power and strength in solitude.

21. Box turtle: Opportunity, protection, resilience, taking time for others and self. Symbol of the primal mother and creator.

Ted Andrews was a fabulous person and this book makes a great resource!

22. Bull: Courage, fertility, hasty, procurement, and strength. Masculine energy. Both a symbol of the sun and moon.

23. Butterfly: Celebration, disorder, joy, romance, spirituality, and transformation. The butterfly is a visionary.

24. Camel: Determination, endurance, focus, humility, patience, and trust. Teaches us to weather the hard times.

25. Canary: Healing power of music, heightened sensitivity, observant. Canary’s bless others with their voice.

26. Cardinal: Bold, brilliant, cheerful, extraordinary, and trust. They remind us that we can renew ourselves and must strive for self-confidence. Males are devoted husbands and parents.

27. Caribou: Assurance, endurance, flexibility, guidance, humility, and travel. Caribu people are creative and full of wanderlust. The caribou teaches us to balance our life.

28. Cat: affection, curiosity, mysterious, observational skills, secretive, and supernatural. The cat is the symbol for witches.

29. Caterpillar: Healer, loves life, transformation, vulnerability. Reminds us that we are beginners and must keep seeking wisdom.

30. Chameleon: Adaptation, ability to blend in, energy, sensitivity. Chameleons teach us to trust ourselves.

31. Cheetah: Fast, freedom, passion, quick thinking, team player, and teacher.

32. Chicken: Colorful, fertility, sexuality, vigilant, wakefulness. Chickens are a solar symbol and a Greek love symbol.

33. Chipmunk: Divine connection, industriousness, solitude, thrifty.

34. Condor: Cleansing, courage, devotion, leadership, trust, and willingness.

31. Cougar: Courage, dependable, observation, responsible, sensuality, and spiritual warrior. Represents coming into your own power. Teaches you to take charge of your life.

32. Coyote: Adaptive, curious, family orientated, jokester, teacher. A balance of wisdom and folly.

33. Crane: Artistic expression, attentive, endurance, integrity, self-reliance, and wisdom. Water Symbol. Asian patriarch, Celtic King of Underworld.

34. Crow: adaptable, fearless, magical, manipulative, watchful, wisdom, and transformation. The crow is a messenger and has past life connections. Very powerful bird in many mythologies.

35. Cuckoo: Balance, flexibility, fortune, love, and shrewdness. symbolic of a new fate.

36. Deer: Awareness, caring, determination, elegance, gentleness, grace, and safety. The deer inspires trust and builds communication between other worlds. Open new doors.

37. Dove: Purity, gentleness, devotion, hope, love, communication, peace, prophecy, and sacrifice.

38. Dog: Affection, bravery, devotion, friends, loyalty, protection. Symbol of unconditional love.

39. Dolphin: Communication, defensive, harmony, playfulness, pleasure, resurgence, and strength. Messenger of the Gods.

40. Donkey: Affection, confidence, humor, stubbornness. Remember humility is a strength.

41. Dove: Adaptable, guidance, messenger.

42. Dragon: Authoritative, courageous, defensive, magical strength, protection, and transformation. Dragons love chaos!

43. Dragonfly: Connections, emotional, illusionary, and lively.

44. Duck: Blended families, conversation, devotion, dreams, shielding, and travel. Ducks help us to sort through emotional tangles.

45. Elephant: Ancient power, determination, loyalty, memory, royalty, and strength. Elephants have strong family ties and leadership qualities.

46. Elk: Dignity, energy work, nobility, self-reliance, strength. Female strength and leadership.

47. Emu: Equality, expressive, flexibility, justice, and unity. Represents unconventional gender roles.

48. Falcon: authoritative, fearless, freedom, goal-oriented, intelligence, and victory.

49. Firefly: Attraction, efficiency, self-reliance, transfiguration. No matter what your size you can have power and take care of yourself.

50. Flamingo: Balance, clear-sightedness, group dynamics, happiness, love, and power. Find your tribe to grow spiritually.

51. Flicker: courage, determination, healing, persistence, spiritual growth, and trust. A flicker represents a period of rapid growth.

52. . Fox: cleverness, creativity, cunning, humor, luck, quick-witted, shape-shifting, wisdom. Fox helps us with charms and energy work.

53. Frog: Cleansing, Rebirth, Sensitivity, Transformation. Magic of Earth and Water. Linked to weather and lunar energy. Frogs are versatile yet seek change.

54. Gazelle: Alert, anticipation, conscious, refinement, and swift.

55. Giraffe: cleverness, farsightedness, friendly, gentleness, Individuality, intelligence, peace, and patience.

56. Goat: Alert, firm, isolated, self-reliant and strong. The goat helps us to take on new endeavors.

57. Goldfinch: Courageous, defensive, dedication, happiness, luck, and originality. Helps us to loosen up and reach other realms. Good for working with the fae.

58. Goose: Joy, bravery, guidance, fertility, loyalty, reliability, teamwork, vigilance, and wisdom. The goose helps you break free of restraints.

59. Gorilla: Compassion, discretion, family, justice, leadership, tenderness, and wisdom. The gorilla will help you work through group conflict.

60. Grackle: Boldness, clarity, expressive, intelligence, perception, solutions. Grackles help us express our emotions.

61. Grasshopper: Dynamic, good fate, innovative, morals, progressive, visionary, and wealth. This spirit animal helps you identify a need to move forward. Earth Element.

62. Griffin: Anonymity, bravery, guardianship, loyalty, majesty, and protection. The Greeks saw the griffin as a symbol of prosperity.

63. Groundhog: Dependability, enthusiasm, rebirth, self-defense, survival. Earth Element. Helps to explore deeper altered states of consciousness.

64. Grouse: Boundaries, creation, prayer, teaching, territory, and voice. Represents sacred dancing and drumming.

65. Hawk: Alertness, creativity, courage, guardians, nobility, strength, and vision. Helps to awaken our vision and creative energy.

66. Hedgehog: Boundaries, flexibility, kindness, patience, protection, strength, and self-dependent. Hedgehog tells us to take our time and get some rest and relaxation.

67. Heron: balanced, calm, devoted, intrusive, multi-tasking, and self-determined. Enhanced meditation. Enables self-confidence.

68. Hippogriff: Beauty, endurance, non-conformity, protection, regality, and respect. Helps us in preparation for obstacles.

69. Hippopotamus: Balance, fertility, hard-working, strength, protection, wisdom.

70. Honey Badger: Courage, community, empowerment, intelligence, problem-solving, and sweetness.

71. Horse (Mustang): adventurous, freedom, friendship, independence, leadership, mobility, and travel. Assists with journeys. Helps to awaken our own sense of power.

Read our article on the Horse Spirit Guide

And watch my video below - with pics of me and my own horse Rocket!

72. Hummingbird: Ability, aggression, ecstasy, flexibility, healing, hope, and wisdom. Symbol of accomplishment.

73. Hyena: Balance, communication, intelligence, gender equality, strategy, and teamwork. Helps improve communication and not to take yourself so seriously.

74. Inchworm: concealment, creativity, logic, transformation, and transmutation. Slow to adapt and make changes.

75. Jaguar: Grace, loyalty, speed, strength, poise, power, and tolerance. Jaguars stay back and observe.

76. Jellyfish: Faith, illumination, intention, protection, sensitivity, and transparency. Jellyfish represent the give and take, ebb and flow in nature.

77. Kangaroo: Adaptability, devotion, gentleness, strength, warrior. Kangaroos are very resourceful.

78. Kestral: Agility, grace, mental acuity, patience, and quick. Teaches us to use our brains!

79. Kingfisher: love, prosperity, warmth. Popular in Greek mythology as a symbol of peace and prosperity.

80. Kiwi: Alert, fidelity, authoritative, cultural, genius and togetherness.

81. Koala: Gratitude, healing, calmness, trust, empathy, magic, protection, and pleasure.

82. Kraken: Creativity, desire, fearlessness, intuition, healing, power, and release. Courage to face your emotions.

83. Ladybug: Good fate, illusionary, innocence, metamorphosis, and true love.

84. Lion: authority, courage, dignity, feminine power, natural-born leaders, pride, and wisdom. Trust your feminine energies (both men and women) creativity, intuition, imagination.

85. Lizard: adaptability, ego, imagination, perception, quick-witted, sensitivity. Helps to interpret dreams.

86. Llama: endurance, firmness, grace, gentleness, inquisitive, and social networking. Llamas are very social and enjoy working in groups.

87. Loon: calm, connection, faithfulness, patience, and refreshment. Loons are good at dream interpretation.

88. Lynx: clairvoyance, secrets, trust, truth, and vision. The lynx teaches us to use words with caution.

89. Magpie: Attitude, communicative, fate, flexibility, love, and opportunity. Magpies have knowledge of the occult. If one enters your life ask yourself if you are applying your knowledge in life.

90. Meadowlark: Cheerful, joy, manifestation modesty, satisfaction, and wisdom. Find joy in yourself!

91. Mockingbird: Expression, lively, thankfulness, and togetherness. The mockingbird teaches us the power in having a voice.

92. Monkey: Bold, confident, creative, compassionate, playful, rebellious, and social.

93. Moose: Dignity, endurance, feminine, impulsive, intelligence, magical, and strength. Powerful feminine energies.

94. Mosquito: agility, direction, detection, feminine, persistence, and self-confidence.

95. Mouse: Adaptability, detail-oriented, dishonest, grounded, modesty, stealth, and understanding. Teaches us to pay attention.

96. Narwhal: Communication, emotional intelligence, mysterious, and selective. Teaches us to have deep, meaningful conversations.

97. Octopus: Balance, boundaries, curiosity, intelligence, problem-solving, shyness, and symmetry. Octopus people are very sensitive to the world and the divine.

98. Opossum: cleanliness, extraordinary, decisive, humble, togetherness, sensible and wise. The opossum walks among the ancients and can help connect us with our ancestors.

99. Orangutan: Creativity, gentle, engineering, ingenuity, honorable and logical, and solitude.

100. Orca: Cooperation, expressive, persistence, and strategy. Orcas are great team players and will help you excel in the workplace.

101. Oriole: appreciate beauty, cheery, and weaver. Rediscover your inner child. Orioles teach us the power of communication.

102. Osprey: Balance, opportunity, potentiality, timing, and visionary.

103. Ostrich: Divine masculine, grounded, likes to learn new things, ritual, and seduction. Ostriches teach us both parents working as a unit are important.

104. Otter: cheerful, dynamic, happy, kind, lively, and sharing. Learn to have fun.

105. Owl: comfort, deception, omens, protection, secret-keeper, stealth, vision, and wisdom. Puts us in touch with our sixth sense.

106. Ox: grounded, loyalty, longevity, monogamy, sacrifice, strength.

107. Panda: Adaptability, balance, determination, diplomacy, inner-sight, mothering, and solitude. The panda tells us to take a deep breath and relax. Panda mothers are extremely nurturing.

108. Panther: aggressive, courageous, feminine, powerful, protective, and valor. To go beyond with valor is a panther’s strength.

Another great book on Spirit animals. I like the way she identifies the chakra for each animal.

109. Parrot: Affection, boldness, charisma, partnership. Parrots like small cozy spots. Try making yourself a retreat place in your home.

110. Peacock: Beauty, endurance, knowledge, love, royalty, self-esteem, and sexuality. Social and creative. Remember not to let pride get the better of you.

111. Pegasus: Ancestry, creative, divine service, transformative. Pegasus can put you in touch with your ancestors and the divine. Explore poetry for inspiration.

112. Pelican: defensive, kind, responsible, selfless, teamwork, and warm. Pelicans can teach us to get along with our co-workers.

113. Penguin: Community-minded, confident, disciplined, partnerships, sacrifice, and spiritual. Being a couple is wonderful but remember to have a hobby you do for yourself.

114. Pheasant: colorful, fertility, Flirtation, grounding, and sexuality. Pheasants are very romantic. In Japanese mythos, the pheasant is an important messenger to the Gods.

115. Phoenix: Ascendance, rebirth/starting over, resurrection. The phoenix helps us to start new projects at work and also to leave bad experiences behind us.

116. Pigeon: Faith, fidelity, home, love, messenger, and security. Pigeons help us to find safety and security.

117. Platypus: Boundaries, eccentric, grounded, independent, nurturer, and unique. Platypuses are very sensitive to their environment.

118. Poison Dart Frog: Divine father, inspiration, nurturer, protector, visibility. Very helpful with love magic. Teachers us to listen to others’ opinions during a debate or argument.

119. Polar Bear: Independence, leadership, patience, seasonal rhythms, and strength. The polar bear is a specialist and will help you focus on a path or determine your goals.

120. Porcupine: Anxiety, humility, innocence, protection, self-involved, togetherness, and vision. Porcupines teach us how to avoid negativity and embrace life.

121. Prairie Dog: Affection, community, defense, decision making, kinship, and playfulness. Change is necessary, join in with others to meet your goals.

122. Praying Mantis: Awareness, camouflage, clairvoyance, cunning, prophesy, and survival. It will help you increase your divination skills.

123. Rabbit: Cleverness, fertility, harmony, love, new beginnings, prosperity, sensitivity, and speed. Teaches us the power of good health and is helpful with money spells.

124. Raccoon: Bravery, confidentiality, disguise, emphatic, protection, and, versatility. Raccoon teaches us to make ourselves over and begin anew. Symbol of transformation and opportunity.

Read my article on the Raccoon Spirit Guide

125. Ram( Bighorn Sheep): Aloof, anxious, hard-working, sensitive, transformational, and visionary. The ram helps us to stay balanced and move into new endeavors.

Read our article on Horned Sheep Spirit Animal

126. Rat: Fertility, foresight, kindness, intelligence, strength, and success. If a rat comes to you it’s a symbol for change.

127. Raven: Creation, intelligence, magic, problem-solving, and shapeshifter. The raven teaches us to find the light in the darkness.

128. Red-Winged Blackbird: Boldness, cocreation, embracing others, engineering, messenger, and receptive. Teaches us to honor one another.

129. Reindeer: Abundance, accomplishment, endurance, faith, protection, and tenacity.

130. Rhinoceros: Ancient wisdom, decisive, endurance, intelligence, isolation, and liberation. Connects with our ancestors and helps you to put your life into perspective.

131. Road Runner: Agility, mental acuity, and speed. The roadrunner teaches us to be continually thinking - their minds are perpetually busy.

132. Robin: Ability to find lost objects, change, cheerful, growth, independence, and music. The robin teaches us to move forward and trust our ideas.

133. Rooster: Ego, fearless, intimate, nonconformity, and unique. The Romans took Roosters into battle to bring them courage and luck.

134. Salmon: Dignity, firmness, intelligence, resurgence, sacrifice, spirituality, and travel. The salmon fights upstream to spawn and sacrifices themselves for their children. They teach us how to prepare for struggles.

135. Scorpion: Cycle of life, endurance, intuition, power, protection, transformation. We must look to the future.

136. Sea Gull: Communication, community, resourcefulness, versatility. Seagulls combine the elements of air, land, and water. Don’t put limits on yourself.

137. Seahorse: Afterlife, eccentricity, fatherhood, navigation, and sexuality. Poseidon and Neptune considered the seahorse to be sacred. Teaches us to slow down.

138. Seal/Sea Lion: emotional intelligence, sensitivity, surrender. Jump in and get started.

139. Shark: confidence, endurance, leadership, perseverance, power, and sensitivity. Sharks help us to achieve our dreams.

140. Sheep: Compassion, courage, humility, peace, purity, and social.

141. Skunk: boundaries, contrast, defense, intelligence, peacefulness, and protection. Skunks teach us to try to work out problems without using our defenses but sometimes we need to protect ourselves.

142. Sloth: Conserve your energy, cooperation, gentleness, slowness, and trust. Sloth reminds us that we need to take care of ourselves.

143. Snail: Adventure, dreams, ease, gentleness, home, independence, and specialization. A snail is in sync with the lunar cycle and helps us to be grounded.

144. Snake: Fear, impulsive, healing, magic, power, shrewdness, transformation, and wisdom.

145. Sparrow: awakening, dignity, perky, triumph. A symbol of triumph over longsuffering.

146. Spider: balance, change, creativity, growth, networking, patience, protection, and wisdom. Don’t feel trapped. Spiders can help you navigate a precarious situation.

147. Squirrel: Ambitious, hardworking, passionate, playful, resourceful, social, and trusting. Life is all about giving and taking and being part of a community. Squirrels also teach us that work and play go hand in hand.

148. Stingray: Curiosity, grace, kindness mystery, peacefulness. Teaches us to take time for ourselves.

149. Stork: boldness, creativity, fertility, responsibility, protection, and resurgence. Shows us how to get in touch with life's rhythm and crea=te opportunities.

150. Swallow: Graceful, home, perspective, protection, and warmth. Teaches us to be objective.

151. Swan: Beauty, calmness, devotion, elegance, loyalty, power, and purity. Don’t be afraid to move on to the next chapter of your life.

152. Tarantula: Creativity, intimidation, patience, self-protection, and transformation. They teach us to perfect our timing.

153. Tiger: Devotion, fearlessness, vigor, passion power, pride, royalty, and valor. The tiger will energize you and take you on new adventures.

154. Turtle (Aquatic): endurance, fertility, longevity, patience, peace, and wisdom. Many Native Americans refer to earth as Turtle Island which is a reference to creation stories. Turtles teach us to awaken to new opportunities.

155. Turkey: connection, generosity, gratification, hard-working, togetherness, and wealth. Find strength in numbers.

156. Tuatara: Ancestor, dedication, guardian, intuition, loyal, and unique. Teaches us to discern light from dark, don’t take on the emotions of others.

157. Unicorn: faith, gentleness, grace, innocence, love, magic, purity, and vision. Unicorns have the power of telepathy.

158. Vulture: Goal-oriented, loyalty, patience, quick-witted, perception, trust, vision. A symbol of sublimation.

159. Walrus: Creative, gregarious, sensitive, and unique. Focus on your own strength.

160. Wasp: Aggressive, creative, determined, enthusiastic, fertile, intelligent, and teamwork.

161. Weasel: Diligence, secret, sly, and trust. You quietly observe others and learn from them.

162. Wolf: Compassion, family, guardianship, loyalty, protection, partnership, spirituality, and togetherness. The wolf will complete your rituals.

Read our article on the Wolf Spirit Guide

163. Whale: ancestry, creativity, power, protection, self-reliance, strength, and Wisdom. Whales teach us the power of song and communication. They have great healing power.

164. Whale Shark: Dependable, friendly, gentle, open-minded, thoughtful, and serious.

165. Wolverine: Fierce, self-reliant, stewardship. Doesn’t back down from a challenge.

166. Woodpecker: connection, intelligence, healing, revelation, perception, and uniqueness. Woodpeckers are very resourceful.

167. Zebra: Embrace life, feisty, family, wanderlust.

Author Ame Vanorio is very intuned with nature, founder of Fox Run Environmental Education, and a licensed wildlife rehabilitator. One of her goals is to teach her fellow pagans ways to experience the touch of Mother Earth.

Rodnovery: Animal Totems And Spirit Guides

Animal totems and spirit guides were common among many pagan groups including the Native Slavic Faith.

Some Gods in the Rodnovery pantheon had really strong connections with certain animals. To some extent, they were even shapeshifters who came to our realm of living in the form of animals or animal spirits to interact with humans.

Norse Gods and Their Spirit Animals

Totemism and animal spirit guides are common in the Nordic religion. Odin, the Allfather, had several animals that assisted him.

In this article, we will talk briefly about the concept of totemism and animal spirit guides. I will then give you a complete list of Norse deities and their mythological animals, totem, or allocated spirit guides

Celtic Totems

The Ancient Celtic people believed strongly that spirits and divine beings inhabited the natural world. They felt a divine connection with those beings. The Celts perceived the presence of the supernatural world interwoven with the material world.

Squirrel Spirit Animal: A Complete Guide

Squirrels are one of the most popular animals and are a joy to watch and interact with. Ambitious, hardworking, passionate, and playful, we have a lot to learn from them.

Spirit Animal, Familiar, Totem: How Animals Guide Us

As pagans, witches, and shamans, we connect with animals in many ways, both living and in the spirit world. We connect with animals through our heredity and family structures. We also have close relationships with our pets and even the wildlife we observe in our backyards.

Bear Spirit Animal: A Complete Guide

The bear symbolizes great strength and courage. They meet you at a crossroads and guide you in the right direction.

The bear spirit animal is a force to be reckoned with; powerful, strong, and fiercely protective. The bear often guides parents and shamans.

Badger Spirit Animal: Meanings and Symbolism

Instantly recognizable by the distinctive stripy markings on their heads, the American Badger can be found in the northern parts of the US and are the state mammal of Wisconsin.

Strong, sturdy, and tenacious, are traits recognized in the badger as a spirit animal.
